11 August 2008

Sweetest Compliment

A few weeks ago, my roomie (Hi, Chy!) and I had a few people over for Sabbath lunch. We're both fairly new to the area, enjoy eating, and like people (most of the time lol). Anyway, we invited a fairly random jumble of people and one of them was one of my co-workers. Now, despite having met this co-worker a number of times, she never knew who I was. I mean, she knows Chy and two of my cousins, all of who have mentioned me by name. But, whatever, I chalk that up to a slacker memory on her part (haha). Ok, enough with the jokes.
So the co-worker comes in and goes,"Oh, you're Dana!" We all ("all" being those of us who knew the back story)laughed heartily. But as she continued on in her random confusion she said one of the things I will remember for my entire life. She said, "I knew you were a Christian. Just something about you." I didn't know what to say. I was, frankly, tickled pink. Truthfully, I don't believe I've ever heard anyone say that. And, as I mulled over it, I realized how proud I was that she'd been able to say that about me. I'd written a blog some time ago about how I wondered what people would say about me after I died. I wonder if my existence made a difference to anyone; if anyone saw me as a Christian. Well, I don't have the answers to all those questions, but I thank God for answering one. I've now officially received the sweetest compliment of my life. Thanks, you-know-who-you-are :)

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